20 Voices from Central and Eastern Europe. Reflections on the Post 1918 Period | ||
04/02/2018 14:00 | Terarken | |
<p>This conference gathers a variety of voices and perspectives: <strong>ten duos of artists and intellectuals</strong> from ten Eastern or Central European countries, all of whom will present their visions of the period following 1918, as representatives of the nations themselves, as well as Europe as a whole. On this occasion one room is a dedicated place for the exchange of ideas between the panellists. Here they will present their personal visions on the legacy of 1918 in their own countries and engage in lively discussions led by a moderator. In order to facilitate more direct contact with the public, a second room has been transformed into an <strong>informal ‘café’ space</strong> that facilitates free-flowing debate in the ‘fish-bowl’ style.<br> In an effort to enlarge the discourse, we would like to invite you the public to join into these discussions. Engaging our BOZAR public with these debates is the principle objective of this ‘daydreaming’ event. As such we invite you to pick the microphone and share your thoughts, dreams or ideas in direct dialogue with the speakers.<br> </p> <p><strong>Schedule<br> First panel (moderator: Yves Plasseraud, author and academic):</strong><br> 14:00 – 14:30 <strong>Pirita Näkkäläjärvi*</strong> (Sámi of the Year 2017, strategy consultant) & <strong>Virva Liski*</strong> (historian), Finland <br> 14:30 – 15:00, <strong>Peeter Helme*</strong> (author) & <strong>Erkki Bahovski</strong> (journalist, historian), Estonia<br> 15:00 – 15:30, <strong>Voldemārs Johansons*</strong> (artist, composer) & <strong>Valda Selga Liepiņa*</strong> (journalist, translator), Latvia<br> 15:30 – 16:00, <strong>Kristina Sabaliauskaitė</strong> (art historian, author) & <strong>Arūnas Gelūnas*</strong> (philosopher, politician, former minister for culture), Lithuania<br> 16:00 – 21:00, debates in the café</p> <p><strong>Second panel (moderator: Peter Vermeersch, political scientist, poet):</strong><br> 16:30 – 17:00, <strong>Grzegorz Jankowicz*</strong> (critic, philologist, essayist and translator) & <strong>Krzysztof Zanussi*</strong> (producer, screenwriter and television and film director), Poland<br> 17:00 – 17:30, <strong>Eszter </strong><strong>Zsófia </strong><strong>Tóth*</strong> (historian) and <strong>Gergely Barki*</strong> (art historian, curator), Hungary<br> 17:30 – 18:00, <strong>Heidemarie Uhl</strong> (historian) & <strong>Lukas Mandl</strong> (member of the European Parliament), Austria<br> 18:00 – 21:00, debates in the café </p> <p><strong>Third panel (moderator: Johan de Boose, author and journalist):</strong><br> 18:30 – 19:00, <strong>Pavlína Kvapilová*</strong> (journalist, social media strategist) & <strong>David Zábranský*</strong> (author, playwright and editor), Czech Republic<br> 19:00 - 19:30, <strong>Adrian Cioroianu*</strong> (historian, journalist, author, ambassador at the Permanent Delegation of Romania to UNESCO) & <strong>Ion M. Ioniţă*</strong> (journalist, editor), Romania<br> 19:30 - 20:00, <strong>Erisa Zykaj</strong> (journalist, researcher) & <strong>Elidor Mehilli</strong> (historian), Albania<br> 20:00 – 21:00, debates in the café</p> <p> </p> <p>Speakers of the BOZAR’s <em>Daydreaming Nations</em> conference are invited to the <strong>House of European History</strong> the day before, on 3 February to deliver short tours in the permanent exhibition. To do so, they will be asked to engage personally and critically with the museum’s narrative on 1918, the aftermath of World War I and the “interwar” years, and to illuminate this narrative with the many visions of this moment in national histories past and present.<br> The speakers names with an * will deliver the tours. Audience may sign in for for free for the visit with an intellectual or artist <a href="https://historia-europa.ep.eu/en/agenda/daydreaming-nations-tours-house-european-history">via the website of the HEH</a>.</p> |